Friday, October 26, 2012

Gender and Winning Baby Names Revealed

Thank you all so much for voting on baby names! The results are in, as is the gender of our beautiful little niblet. We are so pleased to announce that we having a -
Here are the overall winning baby names by percentages from blog comments, Facebook comments, emails and text messages:

We're so excited to be having a little boy!

Baby Girl Names

Juliana Rose - 57%
Celia - 43%
Charlotte - 0%
Grace - 0%

Baby Boy Names

Ethan - 56%
Grayson - 22%
Trevor - 11%
Cameron - 11%
Dylan - 0%

Thank you again for voting!! We know we sort of tipped the scales by putting our own favorite names first - but the fact that you liked them as much as we did means a lot to us. We're not 100% promising that this will be final baby name, but we're pretty happy with the name we've chosen for now and we definitely can't wait to meet little Ethan! (Although I know Terry and I will still call it Niblet and my mom will still call it Blueberry...)