Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Pro, A Con, A Whim... a Plan!

Our morphed baby!
My baby daddy and I had always mused about what an awesome child we would produce (we’re humble like that).  We even went on to www.morphthing.com and uploaded our pictures to see what our baby might look like. I thought the picture would be something silly - like the baby would have elephant ears or kitty cat whiskers... but I was shocked to see it looked like a pretty real, and pretty cute, baby! It was creepy and cool at the same time. (Check back in 6 months or so and we'll see how it compares to the real thing.) So, I admit it was a guilty pleasure of mine to think about having his child. But it seemed like such a distant possibility while we were dating. He had so much life to catch up on. 

We broke up... twice. After we broke up the second time I dated one other person. That relationship spiked briefly and then fizzled quickly. It was at that point that that I decided I would buy sperm from a sperm bank. I had trepidations about going the sperm donor route – not about money or about going it alone. I make an excellent living and I have a wonderful support network. I worried mostly about my child always wondering who their father was. I have a lot of wonderful positive male role models in my life, so I was willing to chance the sacrifice – but I am so close with my father that it kind of pained me to think of my child not having that same experience. However, like so many other women who go the sperm donor route, I just couldn’t face getting into my 40s still not having children. I decided to move forward anyway. I went on to www.Cryobank.com and found a few solid sperm donors. I spoke with a representative on the phone and she walked me through the whole process. I was going to wait until after my annual family vacation and then I would pull the trigger. 

The Pro/Con Poster... bet you
didn't think it was real!
All the while I’m sharing these updates with my ex-boyfriend and future baby daddy.  We joked again about how awesome it would be if we could have had a baby together.  The joke led to a conversation. Could he get me pregnant, be a co-parent and be my friend with our history? Was it possible?! The conversation to led to us making a Pro/Con poster for my baby daddy. My motivations were clear – but why would a guy in his 30s trying to turn his life around want to get his ex-girlfriend pregnant?! (I’ll let him write a blog post to tell you his take on this whole thing… he’s a good writer – you’ll enjoy it!)

The pro/con poster led to a potential plan. I took that plan to my life coach. I took it my close friends. I took it my mentors, people I looked up to. They all agreed that it while it was not without potential future flaws, it looked like a pretty solid and well thought out plan. I turned that plan into our Co-Parenting Agreement. I will include the agreement in a future post but here is the gist:
  • Child Support: Neither would pay the other child support (I didn’t want him asking it from me in the future either, since I make more money than him)
  • Custody: I would be the primary guardian, with sole custody for the first 6 months and limited shared custody thereafter
  • Payments: I would pay for everything (I was about to go the sperm donor route – so money was not a motivation for me)
  • Holidays, Etc.: We covered holidays, school, what we would do if one or the other moved, doctors/benefits, etc.
The Co-Parenting agreement is very much like an agreement that two parents divorcing would draft. Which I know makes some of you think... so you're purposely bringing a child up in a broken home? I have many a thought on this - which I will include in a future post. I'll call it something like... Broken, Bent and Beautiful...

Anyway - My baby daddy and I signed the plan before a Notary, who by the way had a Christian Fish on her business card... I wonder how she felt about us since our first paragraph says straight up that he intends to get me pregnant out of wedlock. Sinners...
Our baby at 12 weeks... kicking
up his or her little feet! He or she
is the size of a lime... :-)

In June of 2012 I bought an ovulation kit (Clear Blue Easy – great product). By July I was pregnant. As of September 5th, 2012 I am 12 weeks along and just a weeks shy of being out my first trimester. 


  1. Wow! The pro con sheet made me laugh & cry! He adores u.. Special bond u guys have. And p.s. mr baby dady single dads are kinda hot, good last second addition to the list!
    Xoxo -AF

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Katrina, I saw a link to your blog on Facebook. Congratulations on the baby! And now for the unsolicited commentary: your parenting agreement as you described it raised a couple of red flags for me. (Disclaimer: I'm not licensed to practice law in California, and I am not giving you legal advice here, just mentioning a couple of things for your consideration.) I'm pretty sure a couple of the terms of the agreement you mentioned wouldn't be legal--(especially the part about the two of you agreeing not to pay each other child support--the child is the party who is entitled to the support--the parents have no authority to contract that right away.) A document like the one you've described, that you've drafted together without the input of a legal professional, (a notary is not a legal professional,) really doesn't offer you any protection. I would recommend that you find a lawyer specializing in family law who can draft a document for you that would preserve as many of the terms of your agreement that you can, but don't be surprised if you can't legally ensure every part of the agreement. A court will uphold almost any term in a contract for goods or services if it can determine it was the intent of the parties drafting the original contract, but family court is a whole different animal. A judge will throw out any agreement between the parents if he determines it's not in the best interest of the child. Sorry to be kind of a downer--but it's probably a good idea to find a lawyer and get your ducks in a row before the baby comes. Congratulations again!

  4. @Amanda - thank you for the advice! We know about the child support - we put it in to sort of make ourselves feel better. We did work a little with an attorney and used a template provided by an attorney for divorced parents who intended to share custody. Its good advice to have the whole thing reviewed again. Thank you! And thanks for reading!

    And @AF - Single dads are totally hot - good call!

  5. Oh good, I'm so glad you talked to a lawyer! (And don't mind me, one of the side effects of going to law school is seeing potential disaster everywhere.)
