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My preggy belly! |
There are a few reasons:
- Of course the first would be that my schedule became way too overwhelming. Saying I had a lot on my plate would be an understatement. On top of the condo (before and after pictures officially attached!), the other properties, and my full time job I've also had to take classes to make sure I don't lose my project management certification which happens to expire in two weeks. Eeks!
- While Terry was helping me with our condo, I was helping him plan and register for the classes required to transfer into a 4 year college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. This actually proved to be a difficult task, but we managed to get him registered and he's well underway! (We kept the course load minimal since - you know - we're having a baby... but still on track to transfer in a year.)
But I suppose those are both more excuses than real reasons...
- The basis of this blog was my adventure as a single mother who had entered into a co-parenting agreement with her ex-boyfriend. Obviously that changed as now Terry (formerly known as Baby Daddy) and I are in a committed relationship. I received several notes from people telling me that they were happy for me, but quite frankly my story just wasn't as interesting. I can understand that. Its still a fun story to tell... because honestly if we hadn't decided to have a baby together we wouldn't be a couple either. We just sort of did it backwards. Someday if we end up married we can say we did the exact opposite direction: baby, then boyfriend/girlfriend, then married couple. :-) And we're still a pretty unconventional couple - but more on that in my next post.
So - what have we been up to?
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Ethan's Clothing Inventory... In case you thought I was kidding... |
In any event, it took the wind a bit out of my sails and I just focused my attention on other things - like making a spreadsheet of every article of clothing we have for Ethan sorted by type, size, etc, and doing all of the prep work for as smooth a transition into motherhood as I can manage.
Before anyone chimes in with "You have no idea what this is going to be like - you can't prepare for this", let me just say I'm only attempting to manage the things I can. I'm as prepared as someone can be for something I've been told I can never prepare for.
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Gifts for the hospital staff after my C-Section |
Specifically: Ethan's clothes and blankets are washed, bags are packed, diapers were ordered (we're doing a diaper service), nursery is complete, pack n play is built, car seats are installed (and inspected by the Sheriff), bouncers are built, gifts for the nurses and hospital staff are assembled, vaccinations for family members are completed, visitation schedule is complete, disability is filed for, we found our cord blood bank, and I already have my plan for getting back my pre-preggy body outlined... oh - and the condo is completely renovated. Ready to see the final results!?
Condo Renovation Before and After Pictures!
So - what posts are left?
- How our being couple affects the Agreement
- Final decision on the full name
- Single vs. Alone - a few lessons I learned in originally preparing to go this alone
- We were started and where we are now. It's amazing the difference 9 months can make in peoples lives when they're focused on making things happen.
I know I will keep writing about our journey after this little man is born - but I truly appreciate everyone who has joined us thus far. I'll send out the first blog post tomorrow (even though it already is tomorrow... insomnia!).
Next Blog Post: How Does Being a Couple Change the Agreement
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